
Job At Hand

St. Pauls November 17, 2018 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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R Jagannathan
Vivek Kaul
Narayanan Ramaswamy
Ajit Ranade

The industry of unemployment.

R Jagannathan, Vivek Kaul, Narayanan Ramaswamy

Chair: Ajit Ranade

With a growing labour force entering the workforce every month, India faces a jobs crisis as the twin forces of automation and retreating globalization disrupt labour-intensive industries such as manufacturing and services. What kind of jobs will be lost to the process of automation? How can the education system respond rapidly to such disruptions so that we can create a skilled labour force for the industries of the future? R. Jagannathan’s book ‘The Jobs Crisis in India’ provides the backdrop for this panel discussion.